Become a member of the VLI Band Booster Club! Your membership and donation will help provide a quality music education for all our students. A quality arts education lets students thrive in their academic, social, and emotional lives. The Victory Lakes Band has also established a tradition of award-winning musicianship and your contribution will help continue it!
We are asking for financial contributions to benefit our middle school band students. Please see below for sponsorship levels:
$25 Panther Band Fan – includes VLI Band decal
$50 Section Leader – band decal & concert program recognition
$100 First Chair – decal, concert program & website recognition
$200 Conductor’s Circle (For Businesses) – Your company logo on the back of our band shirt and promotion on our website & on concert programs
The Victory Lakes Band Booster club is a tax-exempt organization (Tax EIN: 352190834) and exists to support the students of the Victory Lakes Intermediate Band.
Campaign ends on October 14, 2020Campaign ended on October 14, 2020
Areas of focus include:
Hiring highly-skilled musicians to work with our students in person and online classes and as judges for contests
Purchasing new equipment as needed (cleaning supplies, bell covers, instrument safety shields, music stands, percussion instruments)
Purchasing sheet music
M. Dan Randolph Band Scholarship
Past Donations Have Supported:
Access to high quality professional musicians for help sessions
Paying for a highly skilled percussion specialist to help students during performing band classes resulting in a record 6 percussionists in the TMEA All Region 17 Band
Numerous music stands & percussion instruments
Over $3,000 in college scholarships for VLI Band Alumni
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