The Mike Wietlispach Memorial Scholarship
$3,475.00 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 12, 2024 Campaign ended on April 12, 2024

Many of you have had the honor to know "Spa" and all the countless ways he helped our school through the years.  The idea of this scholarship started within the science department last year and as word got out we realized there were many of you who also wanted to keep his name and spirit alive at HEHS. With your help and support, last year we were able to award five seniors with a $500 scholarship.  If you would like to donate this year, feel free to give whatever amount you'd like.  A scholarship will be given to a deserving student for every $500 we raise.  Further description of the scholarship and the application can be found below:

The man behind the scholarship:  Mike “Spa” Wielispach was a teacher a Hoffman Estates High School for 30 years upon his retirement in 2012.  During those 30 years, “Spa” was a pillar of the high school.  He was a science teacher, student council advisor, bus driver, football coach, intramural sponsor, ran the concession stands, union insurance representative, and the list goes on and on.  In all that he was involved in, he did it with enormous pride, enthusiasm, and an obvious love for others.  There are few teachers who have ever walked the halls of HEHS who exemplify the spirit for a school and others as Mike Wietlispach did on a daily basis for 30 years.

Scholarship description:  This scholarship will be given to at least one senior HEHS student who best exemplifies the spirit, involvement, and heart that Mike displayed throughout his career.  The amount of each scholarship is $500 and the recipients will be recognized at the Honors Convocation on May 7th.  

All of the money raised through this Livingtree account will be used to provide as many scholarships as possible to well-deserving seniors.  This scholarship opportunity has been posted on our school's scholarship list and shared with all HEHS seniors.

Here is a description of the student scholarship application:

  1. Spirit:  Explain what school spirit means to you and how you have best shown it through your actions over the past four years.
  2. Involvement:  List all the ways you have been involved at HEHS over the past four years and highlight three of them and explain how those three have helped shape you as a person.
  3. Heart:  How has your heart and care for others made HEHS as better place because of your time at the school?

* Lastly, include the names of at least 3 teachers/coaches who can best support the answers you have given in your application.

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290 days ago
Todd Meador

As good of a man as anyone could ever be blessed to know.

290 days ago
Matthew Dowd
290 days ago
290 days ago
Kay Yereb
290 days ago
Sean Armstrong

Feel honored to be a part of this wonderful opportunity to give back, like Mike did so many times to so many people.

291 days ago
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