The GREATRACE is designed to be an explosively motivating and "team building" student and community extravaganza!  The school building is actually turned into a culturally diverse world comprised of ten different cities.  Each city hosts a challenge that the team must conquer in order to move on to the next location and one step closer to the final destination.  

$984.51 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 01, 2020 Campaign ended on March 01, 2020

** All donations to this cause are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!

The GREATRACE is designed to be an explosively motivating and "team building" student and community extravaganza!  The school building is actually turned into a culturally diverse world comprised of ten different cities.  Each city hosts a challenge that the team must conquer in order to move on to the next location and one step closer to the final destination.

A truly spectacular event!  Teams are given a "passport" upon arrival and must acquire passport stamps from ten "cities" located throughout the building in the course of the evening.  Each "city" has a cooperative activity (Usually a theme relative to that city.  Some are physical, some are intellectual, and some are just silly.) which the team must complete in order to receive their stamp and a piece of the final puzzle.  After gathering and assembling all pieces of the final puzzle, a riddle is revealed.  Teams race to be the first to find the "Final Destination" by solving the riddle and obtaining the password.  Once granted entry to the final destination, the team must conquer the last challenge.  The first team to conquer the last challenge is The GREATRACE champion.  First, second, and third place prizes will be awarded to the winners.

We want our students to relish their time at Porter Ridge and to gain a strong sense of “Pirate” pride.  We feel that when students work together on challenging and fun activities, they learn the skills needed to communicate and to cooperate.  These skills then resurface when problems arise in other areas of their lives – social, academic, and emotional.  The GREATRACE provides an opportunity for administrators, teachers, and students to problem solve, utilize critical thinking skills, and build rapport (all of which are crucial skills needed for everyday life, adults and students alike).

Will you help us make this opportunity happen for our PRHS students with a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation? We are suggesting $20 or $30, but any amount will be gratefully accepted and put to good use!  We also hope to see some big donations from local businesses who would like to partner with PRHS! Thank you in avance for your generosity. This campaign will fund the race for the next 3-5 years!

Click here to see a video of The GREATRACE in action! 

Click here to volunteer to help the evening of the event.

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Zach Perkins

Shout out to my favorite teacher ever!

1853 days ago
M. Yearick

I gave because the organizer of this annual event is legendary and has made an extraordinary difference in a huge number of kid's lives.

1855 days ago
Justine Martinez

I loved participating this is race my last year at PR! One of my favorite memories! ❤️

1855 days ago
Bryan Setser

Events like this build bigger tables for communities to work together and go after results that matter together. Thank you Jennie for your consistent and outstanding leadership always.

1855 days ago
Jessica Hoffman

Some of my most favorite memories from PR came from the Great Race. Good luck this year!

1855 days ago
Jane Davis

I think this is the coolest idea ever and just wished I lived close enough to participate. Job well done, Ms. Yearick, and the PRHS staff and students.

1855 days ago
Kristina Hoff

The GreatRace was one of my most favorite and memorable moments from my entire high school experience. The GreatRace allowed for interaction and collaboration with not only my friends, but all other students in a friendly competitive way.

1855 days ago
Kait Batchelor
1856 days ago
April Dawkins

GreatRACE is so much fun! I’m glad to see that Yearick and PRHS are continuing this tradition. Miss you all!

1856 days ago
Melanie Ruholl

Good Luck !

1856 days ago
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