Support the Northeast Boys Soccer Team

We need your help! Our Boys Soccer Team, who qualified for regional finals, has talented and dedicated players who lack the resources required to compete with other school soccer programs around the State. Please help us reach our fundraising goal with a tax-deductable donation!

$11,462.96 donated
$15,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 10, 2022 Campaign ended on June 10, 2022

We need equipment beyond what our alloted budget from the district can provide. Items such as practice goals, warm-ups, training equipment, game balls, and athletic tape. Lastly, we do not have a booster club and thus Coaches are stuck paying out of pocket for things like pre-game meals and sports drinks. Our Head Coach paid around $500 of his own money to support our team going to playoffs this last season. We want our program to remain competitive but need resources to do it, our boys deserve the same opportunity and high school soccer playing experience as others from more privileged affluent schools. Help make Northeast Boys Soccer one of the best High School Soccer Programs in Central Texas! 

Here is an Austin-American Statesman article with additional insight to our program

Here is video from the local news on our team

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Scott Lindgren

Kyle has been a teammate of mine for years. Happy to contribute.

Bronze - Individual
1010 days ago

Thanks for the lifetime memories-- and onward to more next year!!

Bronze - Individual
1010 days ago
Yulissa Chavez
1010 days ago
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