Sousaphone for the Reagan High School Band

Donate to Reagan High School's Band!

$4,425.00 donated
$8,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 23, 2016 Campaign ended on December 23, 2016

New instruments can be costly; and in a time when just having a music program is hard on the school’s budget, obtaining new instruments is almost always out of the question. A sousaphone is the most costly instrument for a band. Our goal this year is to raise $8,000 in order to buy one sousaphone for our students at Reagan High School, who otherwise would not be able to afford one on their own.

The Reagan High School band is an amazing group of 60 students who work and train all year long to perform at the highest level at sports events, competitions, and community celebrations.  Only 1 of the band members is able to own her own instrument. The band owns 3 silver metal sousaphones, and 1 of these has a section that has been covered for years by duct tape. In July 2016 we discovered that, underneath that duct tape, the sousaphone is beyond repair. So the Reagan band is starting the 2016-17 school year with 3 sousaphone players who are using 2 sousaphones owned by the Reagan band plus 1 sousaphone borrowed from the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders (in Austin, TX).

The cost of a replacement sousaphone (Conn 20K Silver) is approximately $8,000. This is our fundraising campaign goal for the 2016-17 school year. Please help the Reagan High School band get the sousaphone it needs. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Austin ISD Tax ID # 74-6000064

If your employer provides matching donations, checks should be payable to “Reagan High School Band” and mailed to Austin ISD, Office of Innovation & Development, 1111 W. 6th St., Suite D300, Austin, TX 78703.

Please help give our music students the opportunity to open their world through music!

Music helps students achieve in the following ways:

  • Enhances fine motor skills

  • Fosters superior memory

  • Cultivates better thinking skills

  • Advances math skills

Thank you for your support!

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal.

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Andrew Mayo

Because tuba, that's why. Also, Patrick Cason is my bud.

2978 days ago
johnny kleinert

The "Fighting Raider Band has always been an inspiration to me. My wife, not being a Reagan graduate, but a member of the Texas Tech "fighting Raider Band" has watched the Reagan Band with great interest for years. We're both very proud of your accomplishments, and recent earned awards. Good luck!!! keep the spirit alive!!!!

2979 days ago
Monte Courtney
2980 days ago
Monte Courtney

Great talent deserves the instruments it needs. Having been a Reagan Raider and a member of the half time shows, I know how much joy those brought to me. I would like others to be able to continue in this activity

2980 days ago
Stacy Brick
2980 days ago
Linda Schulz

So proud of the Reagan band. You've found a way to create and share your own uniqueness and talent. We're happy to support you.

2980 days ago
Sara Rider
2980 days ago
linda stevenson

Having been in the Reagan Band during its first 2 years and then going on to play with the Longhorn Band i can appreciate the hard work and excellent experience that band provides. I am so sorry i have not been able to see you all in action but have been the awesome videos. Am proud to support your efforts.

2981 days ago
Mary Barone
2983 days ago
Kathryn Nichols
2983 days ago
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