**ONLINE DONORS - Please note student name, grade and teacher to make sure they receive credit!
Please help me raise funds for the South Bosque Elementary PTA! We hope to exceed our $24,000 goal, and a portion of this will go towards replacing the sign in front of the school with a DIGITAL SIGN! This will be a multi-year fundraiser! You can donate any dollar amount!
SBE PTA also provides my school with a variety of resources including field trips, PE equipment, end of year parties, teacher appreciation lunches and events, red ribbon week and more. My schoolmates and I will run on November 22, 2024. Your support is very much appreciated!
Asher McElroy. 1st grade Walhburg ❤️
Parker Schneider - 4th grade/Hogg
Asher (1st grade- Wahlberg) and Ainsley (4th grade- Owen)
Savvy Sisney — kinder — Ms Cherry
Savvy Sisney, kindergarten, Mrs. Cherry
Leyton Ferguson 5th Grade Mrs. Salinas
Pierson White, Wahlberg
Ona Daniel 4th - Owen, Naomi Daniel 3rd - Rodriguez, love from Nana and Papa
Jaydon Flowers-3rd grade, Mrs Harvie Luke Flowers-kinder, Mrs Torres
Levi White, Owen-4th grade