One Bear Nation

We are the Basha Bear Regiment…


In these unusual times, it is a great comfort for us to be able to continue doing our part to make the entire Basha Band Program the best it can be. The Basha Band program is so much a part of who we are and what we do as students, parents and directors. We hope when you watch our performances, you witness the hard work every member puts in. Each member of our band family is dedicated to the success of the whole. 


At this time, we are excited to invite you all to be a part of the band program by helping ensure our continued success through your donations. From instruments, to sheet music, to uniforms and meals during long days of competition, providing for such a large program takes considerable resources. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated.



But no matter the tempo of our song

Our hearts beat as one.

$4,300.00 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 02, 2020 Campaign ended on December 02, 2020

We are the Basha Bear Regiment…


In these unusual times, it is a great comfort for us to be able to continue doing our part to make the entire Basha Band Program the best it can be. The Basha Band program is so much a part of who we are and what we do as students, parents and directors. We hope when you watch our performances, you witness the hard work every member puts in. Each member of our band family is dedicated to the success of the whole. 


At this time, we are excited to invite you all to be a part of the band program by helping ensure our continued success through your donations. From instruments, to sheet music, to uniforms and meals during long days of competition, providing for such a large program takes considerable resources. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated.



But no matter the tempo of our song

Our hearts beat as one.

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No. of Campaigns (2)
Carla Gasway
$25 Donation
1570 days ago
Peter Maloney
1570 days ago
Chris Allen

I gave because during these unprecedented times, it is important for organizations, such as band, to be given all the help and support they can get!

$25 Donation
1570 days ago
Carmen Gregory

Keep pushing Basha Band and the Montoya Family.

$25 Donation
1570 days ago
Jeanette Kalivoda
$100 Donation
1570 days ago
Travis & Jaime Breedlove

For Mckinley the way you light up on the field while performing brings such joy to us.

$250 Donation
1570 days ago
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