Huntsville High Wrestling 2021

#GBR #theHSV #PantherWay #IAmMyBrothersKeeper

$11,800.00 donated
$11,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 08, 2021 Campaign ended on April 08, 2021

Huntsville Wrestling family, friends, and fans - Thank you so much for taking the time to view our fundraiser page. Your support will help offer a higher quality experience for our participants. We understand raising dollars for extra curricular activities may be difficult to do, but it is vital for our program. Donations will be used to cover the cost necessary to run a high school program, ensure that our athletes get the proper equipment to perform, and high level training! Your donation is very much appreciated!  


If you could please spread the word about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends via Email, Facebook and Twitter we would greatly appreciate it! GO BIG RED!!

#GBR #theHSV #PantherWay #IAmMyBrothersKeeper

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Julia Hobbs

We believe this team has something special going on with the wrestlers and the coaching staff. We want to support what is going on here and am proud to support such efforts. We look forward to the future with this team. Good luck Jake and all of the Huntsville High School wrestling team.

1424 days ago
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