Our mission is to provide students with a platform for artistic expression. We strive to create a safe enviornment for students in the McCallum community to become published writers, musicians, and artists. We also allow aspiring editiors hands on experiece in the production of a magazine. Excalibur's content is entirley student composed, produced, and published. Every year we layout the magazine, fund it from start to finish, print and produce it, and finally, ensure its distribution and sales. Each school year our team puts out a physical product for the Mccallum community to enjoy. All of these efforts are made possible by the generous donations we recieve from parents, friends, donors, and students. We rely completely on funding and would be incredibly grateful for any size donation. Thank you so much!
- The Excalibur team
It’s kates favorite class. You’re doing great things!
The McCallum Excalibur Literary Magazine is a wonderful student led endeavor. Congratulations Jordan Bibby for your engagement, enthusiasm and involvement
Look forward to seeing 2018-2019 Excalibur!