Cultivate a Love of Learning - The Outdoor Classroom Project

Blanton Elementary invites you to be part of our “Cultivate a Love of Learning fundraising campaign during the month of February.  As we celebrate this month of love and friendship, we ask that you join our school-wide, community-wide effort to raise $10,000 for an outdoor classroom.


Project by: TBD



Feb 02, 7:30am



Love Blanton and this idea!


Feb 02, 6:58am


I like to support my granddaughters’ exploration of the world.

Sharon Bauer

Feb 01, 8:02pm


Sarah Richardson

Feb 01, 7:12pm


Harry Griffith

Feb 01, 7:05pm


We have beautiful granddaughters attending Blanton and we are most proud of the efforts of both teachers and staff. Outdoor education can be a powerful learning experience for all children.



4 backers


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16 backers


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1 backers