Campaign ends on March 21, 2021Campaign ended on March 21, 2021
Here is a list of critical items for which we will raise funds:
• GATE Field Trip Subsidies (virtual and in-person)
• On-campus “Field Trips” and Interactive Units
• Online Subscriptions to GATE-Specific Distance Learning and Classroom
• Materials for STEM Teaching Carts
• Supplemental Literature Materials (fiction and non-fiction books)
• GATE Conferences and Other Teacher Professional Development Resources
• Classroom Supplies
For your convenience and in consideration of how the pandemic may have affected our families, this year we are asking for a straight donation rather than asking your child to sell items. The suggested donation has also been reduced to $50.00. Any amount is sincerely appreciated and makes a difference in our program. All donations are tax-deductible
For any donation of $50 or more, your child will receive an A.E. Wright custom drawstring bag. Thank you for your continued support of our children’s education and the GATE program!
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