AE Wright Music Program - End of Year Drive
$2,883.00 donated
$1,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 18, 2023 Campaign ended on June 18, 2023

Dear Music Families and Friends,

As we are finishing up the school year, we are making one last push to help support our music program here at AE Wright Middle School. We are proud of our program and the great experiences our students get to have around music. We are seeking donations to our program that can help us to continue to offer the great coaching, experiences, and equipment that makes our students and program successful. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Listed below are some of the reasons we are seeking donations.


Music Department Fundraiser Needs

  1. Brass, String, and Percussion Instrument supplies, parts, accessories - With over 20 different types of instruments from the string, woodwind, brass, and percussion families, we need to have on hand replacement parts and other needed perishable items or students are unable to participate.

  2. Music Technique books - The books we use daily in class are paperback and often only last between 2 to 5 years. We need to purchase replacements and new ones for each of our ensemble’s pedagogical needs: Beginning Strings and Band, Intermediate Strings and Band, Advanced Strings and Band, Beginning and Intermediate Choir. 

  3. Coaching Hours for professional Musicians - This helps differentiate and individualize instruction for the varying levels of students in our ensembles.  These relationships with the coaches also continue through high school as most of our coaches also work at either CHS or AHS.  

  4. New Instruments - As instruments break and become unrepairable we need to replace them. We also have a few families of instruments that we don’t currently have and we would love to be able to offer these great opportunities for students who are unable to purchase.

  5. Used Instruments (Donations) - We have more and more students joining our program every year. If you or friends have any instruments that are not being used and would like to find a new home for it please consider donating to our program. If you have an instrument, you can drop it off at the Main office and just label it as a donation and it will get to us.

Thank you for taking the time to consider donating and helping to support our music program goals. Every donation will have an immediate impact on the program and we alway appreciate the support that is given to us. We look forward to seeing you soon at our next performance. Please share this donation drive on your social media or email friends and families. Thank you in advance. Go Spartans!


Daniel Pracher

AEW Music Program Teacher

Thank you for your support!

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal.

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kimberly mclaughlin
585 days ago
Mark Fergus

thank you!!!

586 days ago
Helen Svensson

Concession Donations!

589 days ago
erica yue

Appreciate you and what you do for our kids.

589 days ago

Thank you for all your work, talent, and commitment!

589 days ago
Julie Charters
589 days ago
589 days ago

Investing in our future

589 days ago
Kameron stone

Thank you for the music

591 days ago
Dana Omalley
592 days ago
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