6th Grade AstroCamp
$32,360.43 donated
$35,200.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 21, 2023 Campaign ended on May 21, 2023


Our 6th grade students have the opportunity to spend 3 days and 2 nights at AstroCamp in Idyllwild! This outdoor science school program is designed to give students an experience that will stay with them for the rest of their lives! Students will explore the sciences of physics and astronomy, develop as individuals, and foster their sense of wonder. The bus will leave OPA SV on Monday, May 22nd at 8am and will return around 3pm on Wednesday, May 24th. The suggested donation amount per student is $440. Thank you for supporting our champions!

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$33241.98 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (28)
Jenny Carson (on behalf of Emma Carson)

For Emma Carson (Payment for Astrocamp)

James Stephen (on behalf of Jackson Stephen)

For Jackson Stephen

Beverly Steele (on behalf of David Steele)

For David Steele

Christin Sheehe (on behalf of Quinn Phemister)

Quinn Phemister

Jennifer Alverson (on behalf of Jesse Alverson )

Jesse Alverson Astro camp payment

David Doan (on behalf of Alaina Doan)

For Alaina Doan

Edgar Estrada (on behalf of Polett Estrada)

From Polett Estrada for Oxford preparatory and AstroCamp

Edgar Estrada (on behalf of Polett Estrada)

From Polett Estrada for Oxford preparatory and AstroCamp

Cristin Riedel (on behalf of Garrett Riedel)
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