Social and Emotional Learning - Seed Model Campus Tour - 2021-2022

Austin ISD's Seed Model Campuses are committed to intentional, campus-wide integration of social and emotional learning and culturally proficiency and inclusiveness practices into school culture and systems. 

By completing the highly recommended donation of $75/registrant, you secure your spot(s) for an upcoming SEL and CP&I tour on either February 24 or April 12 from 8:30 am-12:30 pm, in which you’ll engage in a professional learning opportunity led by staff and students who share their SEL and CP&I implementation process, resources and experiences through honest conversation. 

Thank you for supporting the continued foundational work on Austin ISD campuses. We look forward to having you!

$155.31 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 03, 2022 Campaign ended on June 03, 2022

About the Seed Model Program

True district change happens when we create learning structures and systems that cross campus boundaries and encourage all-district learning and communities of practice.

The purpose of the Seed Model Campus Cohort is to support campuses throughout Austin ISD in their journey of goal-oriented, intentional, campus-wide, equity-centered SEL and CP&I integration into school culture and systems. Seed Model participants submit a proposed plan, including a S.M.A.R.T.I.E. goal around the following four CASEL critical practice areas: 

  • Take time to cultivate and deepen relationships, build partnerships and plan for SEL.

  • Design opportunities where adults can connect, heal and build their capacity to support students.

  • Create safe, supportive, and equitable learning environments that promote all students' social and emotional development.

  • Use data as an opportunity to share power, deepen relationships, and continuously improve support for students, families, and staff.

As part of the cohort program Seed Model Campuses invite visitors to join their staff and students for part of a day to share their progress, challenges, and process through an honest conversation.

Growth and Impact

Austin ISD's Seed Model Campus Cohort program has grown from 19 campuses in its inaugural year (2017-18) to over 80 campuses across it’s five years of implementation!

With your support, we can continue to offer this informative opportunity to visitors of Austin ISD and continue to help deepen the work in our Seed Model Campuses.

Want to learn more about the Seed Model Campus program and the positive impact it’s having on implementation results? Check out this report:

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$19088.13 raised across all campaigns
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Chip Lambert

Love to support any SEL initiatives statewide, and I can't wait to learn and grow in my own understanding of these topics!

1 Registrant
1026 days ago
David Cameron
1 Registrant
1059 days ago
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