Austin ISD Gives - Langford Elementary School

Give Today to Support Langford Elementary School

Become part of a new tradition of giving by supporting Langford Elementary School and impacting the educational outcomes and success of our students.

$100.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 20, 2020 Campaign ended on June 20, 2020

Support Langford Elementary School 

Help Langford Elementary School students excel in the classroom. Funds raised during the appeal will enhance the education of our students by enabling us to implement enrichment programs that are often difficult to support with our School’s annual operating budget. Your donation supports all areas of Langford Elementary School including, new and innovative technologies and curricula, classroom-based learning projects, and professional development for staff.


Every Donation Makes a Difference

You can help! Donations big and small keep our tradition of innovation alive and will transform learning for every Langford Elementary School student.


Gifts to the Langford Elementary School Annual Appeal are unrestricted, allowing the campus to use the funds to meet its most pressing needs. Donors who wish for their gift to be used only for a specified purpose, such as support for a particular academic program or classroom, may make a restricted gift. Please make a note in the comments sections regarding the intent of your donation. 

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Venkat Prasanth Peneti

I am friends with a couple of teachers (Ms. Michaelis and Ms. Myers) who work at Langford Elementary School. They care a lot and work long hours for the success of Langford school kids. I hope this tiny donation helps them in some sort move one step closer towards achieving their goals.

1803 days ago
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